Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Royal Bank of Scotland warned its clients to Sell Everything

So reading the news today i read that the Royal Bank of Scotland has warned its clients to “Sell Everything” and exit the stock market as soon as they can. With a stark warning which could indicate that the global economy could be driving towards a 1929 Great Depression.

Do not wait. Do not pass go. 2016 is going to be a “cataclysmic year” ahead for markets. Andrew Roberts from the Royal Bank of Scotland said in a note this week. He said the “Red Flags” for 2016 were Failing Oil, Volatility in China, Shrinking World Trade, Debt going through the roof. He also said that “We think investors should be afraid”.

By all means panic over what they have said then sell it all off at reduced prices then watch them swoop in and rake everything up, your screwed and they are in MORE Profit and MORE Control.

Now for you and me, that is scarey stuff coming ahead. We can’t get bailed out by the Govt, or have expensive portfolios that we can just sell off incase things get tough. We are told that we are in a “Global Recession” one that the banks created but we need to pay for it.

For me this is where Gold comes in. WAIT.. Don’t go running off. You don’t need to be wealthy to buy or own Gold. You just need to be smart about it. I use a company called Karatbars International to buy my Gold. What is unique about them is that they use an Affiliate System that lets you earn a commission on the people who join and buy Gold.

Let me show you this video to try and help better explain. The video is called “What The Wealthy Buy On Payday”

Now do you understand where all your money goes. I am guilty of it myself. I want the kids to have everything I didn’t I also want them to have every opportunity that I can afford them, now it’s time to start focusing on their futures as well as mine, I’m not going to do all of this and not reap my rewards from it.

The great thing about this is that you can buy the Gold in small amounts. This allows you to start building up your Gold Ownership.

When you think that millions of people are one pay cheque away from poverty, you start to see things clearer and ways that you can help your own financial future.

So how does it all work then?

Karatbars is an e-commerce company with an affiliate program. They are not a Multi-Level Marketing. In MLM, you are required to purchase products. Karatbars does not require you to do this, however, I highly recommend purchasing gold. This is the best way to preserve your wealth.

Gold is the only asset that has proven the test of time (its inflation-proof and can never go bankrupt).

Karatbars has no fees to join and they do not charge you website fees either. Which means you can signup, have a look around, connect with your upline (That will be ME) and make an informed decision about this Home Based Business.

What I want you to do is create your free account. Have a look around, no obligation and if you think this is something that would interest you then I will show you how to do the 5 Steps and how to duplicate it.


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