Sunday, 17 January 2016

Valentus Coffee Scam

Valentus Coffee Scam, isn’t everything a scam that doesn’t make you a milionaire by tomorrow by doing nothing, buying nothing and recruiting no one.

I read a lot of reviews, scam reviews, comments and posts about Valentus before I started to get involved in it.

Me personally I wasn’t really looking for an income opportunity. I was looking around at Health and Wellness Products.

In the past I have tried Green Tea, Tablets, Shakes, Out of this world Diets, Super Human Exercise routines and so much more. So when I was doing my due diligence on Valentus, it was more for the product. In any business I get involved in, it’s the product that I research first.

Is the product being marketed, who markets it, is it affiliates or users or both. What is in the product, are the results real or fake affiliate results.

For me the Income side is secondary. Yes I want to earn a good income from what I am doing but if the product does what it says on the box, personally my health comes first when it comes to anything.

When I got my first box back in August 2015, around about Sept time I actually did think this was another scam I had got involved in, however what you can’t see is what it’s doing to you on the inside.

I’m a Type 1 Diabetic so I have an upper hand on many others, I’m not just screaming as loud as I can, I feel great. As a Type 1 Diabetic with a Blood Glucose Machine, I can actually SHOW YOU.

I’m not a rant and raver sort of guy, I like facts, order, structure. So i did a video, not only to show you but to actually let you see my blood machine results. You can see the date clearly stated on it and you can see a day by day blood test results.

They cannot lie, it is digitally recorded each time I test my blood in the machine.

So why do people say Valentus Coffee is a Scam. Well there are many reasons, but one that I have came across so many times coaching others is that they believe in the hype and bullshit that people post.

You have seen the posts on facebook, no need to recruit, no need to buy the product, just signup and tomorrow you will be earning thousands.

What people NEED to understand is that if you are going to get into this as a business, you need to treate it like a business.

You need to Join, you actually need to buy the product so you know what its like and then setup the Autoship. You need to build your list, you need to connect with people, you need to market your product, your self and what you do.

Let me put it this way. You know what a Car is? I am hoping so. It is a vehicle that can take you places, it can carry and transport, it can do lots of things. Now think of your business like a car and look at the way people are trying to do business online.

They go to the show room, they spend $20,000 on car. The sales man drives the car round to the front of the showroom and parks it up. You look at it, it looks amazing, nice and shiny, there is so much this car will do for you and your life, you start to imagine.

You sign the papers and pay the money and now the car is yours. So you go over to the car, you open the rear door, jump in all excited and sit down.

Nothing Happens. Why is nothing happening, you know what it can do so why is it not doing it for you. The sales assistant comes over and says you need to sit in the drivers seat, this is your car now.

Your confused because he never said that. You don’t know how to drive, your too busy to learn to drive, you have no money left because you spent it all on the car, you can’t afford the fuel, the road tax, the insurance, you cannot even afford the driving lessons because he didn’t say that, and anyway you don’t have the time to learn to drive.

This is how people treat an online business, they don’t factor in that it actually takes WORK to get your online business up and running.

A Domain Name
Hosting for the Domain Name
Wordpress Installed
An Autoresopnder like TrafficWave
Social Accounts so you can connect
Software so you can market easier

ALL of this takes time to learn, something you don’t have because of all them cute little puppy videos on facebook, and them “You Wont Share” posts so you will share them to prove them wrong, it just too much.

No matter what you choose, I can guarantee you one thing, the ONE Simple thing that connects all of us.

In this lifetime, in your lifetime and mine, no matter what you do, you are not getting out alive. Time is something we all have, it’s just how you put your time to use. Rich or Poor, time makes no difference, it takes us all.

So the Valentus Coffee Scam, do I think it’s a scam. Hell NO, I have a better quality of life because of SlimRoast Coffee, because i tell people about what it’s doing for me, sharing and connecting with people, I now have a disposable income from it, do I think it will help you?

That is not for me to say. That is your choice.

I want you to take a look at it, if it is for you then great, if its not, then honestly either way I get paid, I also get a better quality of life.


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