Thursday 10 December 2015

Use the Power of Residual Income to build your NetWorth

You have heard it a thousand times, you have heard how the wealthy LOVE It.

Do you want to know what IT is?


You seriously don’t think Richard Branson runs all of his 400+ companies…

Nope, he just makes money from them, he makes MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME.

Think about your Month to Month. What do you have? In fact what do we all have?

Every one of us has Multiple Streams of Expenses.

  • Car Insurance
  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Mobile Phone the list just goes on and on doesn’t it.

So if you understand the Multiple Steams of Expenses, answer me this..

WHY Do you ONLY have ONE Multiple Stream of Income?

I know a few people who do have multiple income streams, however that is done with the taking on of another job.

I hope that if you are on here, and you are reading this, that this IS NOT YOU. This isn’t how you build multiple income streams.

This is how you run yourself into the ground. You’re not working to make your own dreams come true, your working to make someone else’s dreams come true.

With a Job working for someone else you might build a comfortable life, but you will never build a life of Freedom.

You need to think differently, Wealthy people think differently because they focus on TWO Income Sources.

Passive Income and Residual Income.

Now before I help you understand let me tell you this. It is STILL Work, however you don’t have a boss, if you want to earn a little then do what you want to do, if you want to earn a lot then scale it up.

This is YOUR Business, it is YOU who is in the helm of it. You will probably need to learn new skills, you will probably need to keep your knowledge up there, and you will probably need to SPEND MONEY.

Many people think that you can do this all for free. Listen, that’s a lie they sell you so that you keep on buying their crap. There is no push button system, anything you buy won’t make you money. YOU will make you money, taking action with the knowledge you have gained will make you money. ANYTHING you buy is a tool to help you.

Think about it, Hosting, Autoresponder, MassPlanner they are all tools so that you can do more and have the time to take out the tediousness of what you are creating.

So just now with your JOB, your trading your Time for Money. Let me explain the difference between Passive income and Residual Income, remember the two sources that the wealthy focus on that I mentioned above.

So Passive Income – What does it mean? Passive Income means the money you make comes in each week, month etc without you directly swapping your time for money. My passive programs that I am part of are Karatbars and Valentus.

Residual Income this one is a good one. You build the source of income ONCE and the money comes in over and over. I have one source I promoted a few years ago and it has paid me every single month on time since then.

I know many people want to come online and make money, they give up their jobs to do this full time, or they come online and say “I need a few thousand by the end of the month to pay my {Rent|bills|car|medical} <== You Choose.

They don’t understand about Passive Income – Residual Income – Your Offline Income.

Your offline income is what I call your Real Money. This is the income source that pays your day to day, this is what is commonly known as your Active Income. You work and hour you get paid an hour. You want more pay you work over time or you get a promotion. (How likely are these though).

If you do want to build an online income, I tell people this is where your dreams are made real. Then you need to keep your active income going for as long as you can until your online exceeds your offline.

Remember this, your active income, you work an hour you get paid an hour. Being online there are only 24 hours in a day so if you want to build up your income just remember there are only 24 hours in a day that you are NOT getting paid because you are not swapping your time for money.

If you really want financial freedom you need to think differently and your focus must change to the two we have spoken about

Passive Income and Residual Income

These two sources are needed to help you build multiple income streams that will help you build financial freedom.

So what is this Magic Thing Called?

Network Marketing.  Pure and simple. You will start to see offline big corporations starting to shift their work force efforts to independent distributors. WHY pay large fees for buildings, insurance, rent, and WAGES when they can sell MORE of their product with less of the outcome and more of the income to people like you and I.

Each and every one of us who gets into Network Marketing becomes our OWN Business Owner. I am going to share with you here the greatest advantage of all of this so that you don’t waste years of your time on this. There is a way that you can seriously build an income that will replace and excel past your current offline job income and it is called…


Wealthy people, Network Marketers and people expose to the Leverage Business model recognize this in Network Marketing Programs. This business model is something you build once and it pays over and over.

I’ve read a few times where Donald Trump has said if he lost everything and had to start all over again they would build using the Network Marketing Model for their Business.

In Network Marketing we are not teaching you to become an employee we are helping you become a Leader in your own business.

You Duplicate what I do, you teach your team the same and everyone wins because everyone is duplicating what works.

There is a secret to this and if you’re not willing to do it then it will not work.

AutoShip – This is where you actually BUY The product from the system that you are Marketing. Whets the point of marketing a system if you’re not even buying the product.

When you setup your Auto Ship your UPLINE will earn a commission, so think about that, you teach your own team how to Duplicate and they setup Auto Ship and YOU earn commission. So the better your leaders are trained the more income you can all build.

With this business you can earn a residual income every week from all the AutoShip orders that are placed in your team in your business.

The best part, as people join Your Team, your Leaders Team’s and they setup their AutoShip like you taught your Team leaders the growth of your business compounds and you start to earn large amounts of Passive Income.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Albert Einstein

Compounding Interest doesn’t care if you are Educated or Un-Educated, black, white, asian, man women or child. Compounding interest has the same affect for everyone.

Compounding Interest is a great teacher as well. The Average person can’t start in Network Marketing today and do nothing then retire tomorrow. Compounding Interest teaches us Patience. It is actually a bit like watching paint dry, it really can be very boring, unless you like to watch paint dry. With compounding Interest you’re not going to see results overnight. This is why getting into Network Marketing is a BUSINESS.

Rich or Poor

I hear many times from people, I don’t have enough money, I can’t do AutoShip, the list goes on and on for reasons NOT to. We all have TIME, and that is all you need. Think about it, the 25 year old kid who wants to build their Networth has more time than the 75 year old starting. If you can’t afford it this month, save up till next month.

Warren Buffet: “I always knew I was going to be rich, so I was never in a hurry to”. It comes down to TIME.

So no matter if you are Rich or Poor, your $500 against the $5.000.000 time still means you grow as the same speed. Yes they have more income more opportunity but the relevance here is TIME. To earn say 10% it’s all down to time.

What I am getting at is Start Now, Lay the foundation, Build your business, Train Your Leaders. You have time.

I don’t want you to trade Time for Money, I want you to enjoy life, and I want you to embrace the idea of Network Marketing and the Power of AutoShip to help you build Passive Income and Residual Income. I see a lot of people making some really dangerous mistakes that can keep them at a level of Failure, for them to think then that all of this is a scam.

Multiple Programs – Joining loads of different programs and not focusing until you build them. This is disastrous because you will fail. I’m telling you now you won’t make twice the money you will be doing twice the work for less than nothing in return.

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